Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Have A Dream Series: "Intolerance:-Rebecca


"Have you ever felt misunderstood? Have you ever felt like you were the bad guy or the loser for something you believed in? Everyday, many people around the world feel this way. You’re probably thinking about high school right now and the hard times that teens go through. While intolerance is very common with teenagers, it is also a huge crisis if you look into the bigger picture. All over the world, all the time, there is discrimination due to racism, sexism, stereotypes, and much more. People are hated because of how they look, where they live, who their family is, their personal interests and more. In the middle east for example, people cannot even live in peace because they are so caught up in their conflicting past with one another and their differences. Think about all the better this world could be if we lived together peacefully. Think about how many ideas are lost and how many dreams are destroyed. Think about how many teenagers are bullied everyday. This world would be so much more successful if we could all just accept each others differences and have tolerance for one another. I bet, if teenagers did not depend so much on being ‘cool’ and how they looked, they could all focus so much more on having fun and even education, kids would be so much more academically ahead if they did not have to worry so much about being accepted. I’m sure that every single one of you have been doubted or put down or bullied one time or another for something that was a part of you. For me, for example I get teased so much for being Jewish. People say holocaust jokes and turn to me waiting for a laugh. I won’t laugh but I don’t want to be the one to lecture them, that would make me look like a mother or something. But really, it bothers me so much to see how unimportant such a mass killing could be to people. I feel personally offended and misunderstood when people don’t seem to get the extreme significance of the holocaust. The Holocaust is a perfect example of the intolerance of a certain group of people. It shows how ignorant and disgustingly evil people can really be because of intolerance and it was one of the greatest times in history in which unacceptance and intolerance was taken to an extreme extent. To me, the fact that people have the nerve to joke around about something like that says something about our society. How could these people not even realize how terrible the jokes that they’re saying really are? How come nobody ever really educated them, no parent or anything ever got it through to them how serious of a problem racism and joking about that stuff really is. Intolerance for one another and hatred is a huge problem, going on around the entire world. When people say they want the world to be a better place, I strongly think that this is what they really mean. If everybody loved and cared for each other for who they were, poverty would be a very rare thing. War would be unnecessary because their would be a better solution found to solve out issues. How much better could the world get, than a world of tolerance and appreciation for the individuality of others."

- Rebecca

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