Wednesday, February 23, 2011


"I consider myself lucky. I was born with two parents who love me, a roof over my head, food for me to eat, water for me to drink and a school for me to go to. But not everyone has that. There are kids all around the world living in foster care, with no parents to care for them, kids who spend their lives sleeping on the street, Kids who won’t have enough money to buy themselves dinner tonight, kids who have to walk miles just to get water for their families and kids who are to busy trying to help their families that they cant help themselves by going to school. So I ask myself the question, “What made me different from them?” I mean its not like I had any more potential to do great things with my life than a kid in Guatemala, or Sudan, or Thailand. And I realized that the only reason for my comfort was the fact that I had gotten lucky. I don’t deserve to have a comfortable life or an education any more than they did, but that’s just how it turned out, whether it was an act of god or my destiny or just a coincidence. But no matter what the reason was that I had gotten this gift, I could use the advantages given to me as a way to assist others who aren’t as lucky as I had been. I could help people. After thinking about it I promised my self I could help people in whatever way possible. Helping can be as little as thinking about the less privileged and praying for their safety, or it can be something big, like what we’re doing, going to Guatemala and being able to really, physically, help people. My dream is that one day luck wont be a factor, It wont matter whether you were born in Atherton or Oakland, The United States or Ethiopia, because having a family, a home, food, water, and an education will no longer be a privilege, it will be a right."


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