Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"Water, everyone deserves fresh water. You may not know it, but more than 894 million people don’t have access to a necessary amount of fresh water. Water isn’t just for consumption; it’s also needed for cooking, cleaning and sanitation. If you don’t have freshwater you can become very sick from not being properly bathed. 1.4 million Children die every year due to poor sanitation. 4000 deaths a day or 1 child every 20 seconds. Everyone needs fresh water. At any one time half the hospital beds, in developing countries, are filled with people suffering from a lack of sanitation, and no sanitation kills more children every year than AIDS, Malaria and Measles combined. In developing countries, 70% of industrial wastes are dumped into waters where they pollute the usable water supply. Everyone deserves fresh water. Just from a lack of drinking water, 4.8 million people die every year worldwide and 10.2 million people end up in the hospital. You can live without food, but you can’t live without water. It’s more likely for people in developing countries to have to go to the hospital because they don’t have access to water like we do. We can just go to our sink and get the freshwater we need; but for someone say in Burkina Faso, they have to take a two mile walk to get water and then carry multiple gallons back to the village, and that’s the village’s water for that day. If we could figure out a way to harness today’s modern technology, we could get water to the people who really need it and save millions of lives. Everyone needs water. Everyone deserves water."


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